Save Money On Your Flood Insurance Today!Florida Homestead Services, LLC has successfully helped many home owners and business owners like you, reclassify the existing FEMA flood zone classifications on their homes and local businesses. Our trusted and exclusive services are based on reclassifying and possibly even obtaining a full FEMA exemption status on your home or business property. If your building is not allowed to be remapped under the existing FEMA classification program, we will not charge you a fee. Allowing us to reclassify your home or business property benefits you tremendously by being able to obtain a lower flood insurance premium and also may allow for other flood insurance options. You may even be able to obtain a full flood insurance refund from your current flood insurance carrier.
Have Your Property Evaluated Today! Contact Us!In 1968, the U.S. Congress passed the National Flood Insurance
Act, which created the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP was designed to reduce future flood losses through local floodplain management and to provide protection for property owners against potential losses through an insurance mechanism that allows a premium to be paid for the protection of those most in need. The creation of the NFIP represented a major shift from previous structural flood-control and disaster relief programs which have changed. We can provide you with... FEMA Flood Zone Certification LOMA Certifications LOMA Application Processing Don't delay! Contact us today! |